University of Cambridge > > Department of Engineering - LT1

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0 upcoming talks and 5 talks in the archive.

Information Engineering Distinguished Lecture Series

A mathematical theory of deep neural networks

Postponed due to COVID-19

UserProf. Helmut Bolcskei, ETH Zurich.

HouseDepartment of Engineering - LT1.

ClockFriday 22 May 2020, 12:00-13:00

Information Engineering Distinguished Lecture Series

Title to be confirmed

Postponed due to COVID-19

UserProf Mustafa Khammash.

HouseDepartment of Engineering - LT1.

ClockThursday 07 May 2020, 14:00-15:00

Information Engineering Distinguished Lecture Series

Speech Recognition: What’s Left?

This talk is organised in conjunction with the IEEE Signal Processing Society for which Dr Michael Picheny is a Distinguished Industry Speaker

UserDr Michael Picheny.

HouseDepartment of Engineering - LT1.

ClockTuesday 12 November 2019, 12:00-13:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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