University of Cambridge > > HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar > Towards NNLO QCD+NLO EW PDF fits with NNPDF

Towards NNLO QCD+NLO EW PDF fits with NNPDF

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Rene Poncelet.

The seminar will take place via Zoom here.

Abstract: I will present an effort within the NNPDF collaboration to perform a PDF fit including, for the first time, a fully consistent treatment of higher-order EW corrections. As PDFs are determined more or more precisely, the effects of previously neglected corrections are beginning to be important. This implies the inclusion of EW corrections for every theoretical prediction going into the PDF fit, and, on the other hand, a different treatment of the measured observables. Finally, a few technical tools had to be developed, which I am going to present as well.

The slides are available here

This talk is part of the HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar series.

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