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(Research) The case for apportionment / (Skills) Best Papers Easter 2009

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Andrew Rice.

Research: The case for apportionment, Simon Hay

Apportioning the total energy consumption of a building or organisation to individual users may provide incentives to make reductions. We explore how sensor systems installed in many buildings today can be used to apportion energy consumption between users. We investigate the differences between a number of possible policies to evaluate the case for apportionment based on energy and usage data collected over the course of a year. We also study the additional possibilities offered by more fine-grained data with reference to case studies for specific shared resources, and discuss the potential and challenges for future sensor systems in this area.

Skills: Best Papers Easter 2008

Each member of the group will submit an entry for the best paper they have read this term. We will have very a brief presentation on as many as we can fit in to 30 minutes.

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group (DTG) Meetings series.

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