University of Cambridge > > Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange (CUSPE) > Evidence based policy making: How can government be an intelligent user of science?

Evidence based policy making: How can government be an intelligent user of science?

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This question was addressed by the Central Policy Review Staff – Edward Heath’s ‘Think Tank’ – in the early 1970s. The resulting Rothschild Report, named after its Chairman, established the paradigm for relations between government policy makers and the science community to this day. My thesis is that Rothschild’s ideas were fundamentally erroneous. I will explore the report’s conclusions, their application, and their subsequent modification (including the impact of the Phillips Inquiry) and present an alternative approach, and what it would mean for Government and for academia.

There will be a drinks reception at Darwin College after the talk. Please register for the talk and the reception here:

This talk is part of the Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange (CUSPE) series.

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