University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > On approximate electromagnetic cloaking with transformation media

On approximate electromagnetic cloaking with transformation media

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We give a comprehensive study on regularized approximate electromagnetic cloaking in the spherical geometry via the transformation optics approach. The following aspects are investigated: (i) near-invisibility cloaking of passive media as well as active/radiating sources; (ii) the existence of cloak-busting inclusions without lossy medium lining; (iii) overcoming the cloaking-busts by employing a lossy layer outside the cloaked region; (iv) the frequency dependence of the cloaking performances. We address these issues and connect the obtained asymptotic results to singular ideal cloaking. Numerical veri cations and demonstrations are provided to show the sharpness of our analytical study.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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