University of Cambridge > > Hitachi Cambridge Seminar Series > Quantum Technologies (Prof. Jeremy L. O'Brien, University of Bristol)

Quantum Technologies (Prof. Jeremy L. O'Brien, University of Bristol)

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The impact of quantum technology will be profound and far-reaching: secure communication networks for consumers, corporations and government; precision sensors for biomedical technology and environmental monitoring; quantum simulators for the design of new materials, pharmaceuticals and clean energy devices; and ultra-powerful quantum computers for addressing otherwise impossibly large datasets for machine learning-artificial intelligence applications. However, engineering quantum systems and controlling them is an immense technological challenge: they are inherently fragile; and information extracted from a quantum system necessarily disturbs the system itself. Despite these challenges a small number of quantum technologies are now commercially available. Delivering the full promise of these technologies will require a concerted quantum engineering effort jointly between academia and industry. We will describe our progress in the Centre for Quantum Photonics to delivering this promise using an integrated quantum photonics platform—-generating, manipulating and interacting single particles of light (photons) in waveguide circuits on silicon chips.

This talk is part of the Hitachi Cambridge Seminar Series series.

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