University of Cambridge > > Computer Laboratory Programming Research Group Seminar > The Gamma: Programming tools for data journalism

The Gamma: Programming tools for data journalism

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Raphael Proust.

Computer programming may not be the new literacy, but it is finding its way into many areas of modern society. In this submission, we look at data journalism, which is a discipline combining programming, data analysis and traditional journalism. In short, data journalism turns articles from a mix of text and images into something that is much closer to a computer program.

Most data journalists today use a wide range of tools that involve a number of manual steps. This makes the analysis error prone and hard to reproduce. In this video, we explore the idea of treating a data driven article as an executable program. We look how ideas from programming language research can be used to provide better tools for writing (or programming) such articles, but also to enable novel interactive experience for the reader.

The project also makes data journalism more accountable and reproducible. We let the reader verify how exactly are the visualizations generated, what are the data sources and how are they combined together.

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Programming Research Group Seminar series.

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