University of Cambridge > > rh624's list > Adventures in 2D Land

Adventures in 2D Land

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In this talk I will review of a few issues relating to optoelectronic properties of 2D materials –graphene and transition metals dichalcogenedes (TMDC’).

Specifically I will focus on (1) Waveguiding properties of a single monolayer of TMDC ’s (2) TMDC and graphene as potential electro-optic and all optical switches –figures of merit (3) Similarities between graphene and type II semiconductor quantum wells (4) Charge-induced second harmonic generation in TMDC bilayers

Jacob B Khurgin has been a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Johns Hopkins University since he remembers himself, or, more precisely, since 1988. Prior to that he vaguely recalls being a Senior Member of Research Staff at Philips NV where he developed various appliances, lighting fixtures, display components and systems including 3-D projection TV. Prof. Khurgin’s main area of expertise is difficult to pinpoint but loosely it falls in the gap between optics and solid state electronics. In his 28 years at JHU Prof. Khurgin had made contributions of various degrees of importance in the fields of nonlinear optics, semiconductor optoelectronic devices, quantum-cascade lasers, optical communications, THz technology, microwave photonics, slow light, plasmonics, laser cooling, opto-mechanics, and condensed matter physics. Prof Khurgin had authored over 300 technical papers, 500 Conference presentations, 5 book chapters, and 35 patents. More importantly, he is very fond of dogs and bicycles and he is also a Fellow of American Physical Society and Optical Society of America. Prof. Khurgin holds PhD from Polytechnic University of New York (Now elevated to the status of NYU school of Engineering).

This talk is part of the rh624's list series.

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