University of Cambridge > > Semiconductor Physics Group Seminars > Electrically controlled nano and micro actuation in a memristive switching device with on-chip gas encapsulation

Electrically controlled nano and micro actuation in a memristive switching device with on-chip gas encapsulation

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Kaveh Delfanazari.

Powerful nanoactuators are a key component for developing nanomachinery. In this talk, I will present a device with electrically-driven actuation ranging from the nanometre to the micrometre scale with added optical readout. We sandwich electrolyte films of 10nm-thick Al2O3 deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD), between graphene and Au electrodes to obtain reversible room-temperature solid-state redox producing Al metal and O2 gas in a memristive-type switching device1. The resulting high-pressure oxygen micro-fuel reservoirs are encapsulated under the stretchable graphene, swelling to heights of up to 1µm, which can be dynamically tracked by plasmonic rulers in a nanoparticle-on-mirror arrangement2. Unlike in standard memristors where the memristive redox reaction occurs in single or few conductive filaments3, the mechanical deformation forces the constant creation of new filaments over the whole area of the inflated film. The resulting on-off resistance ratios are exceptionally high, reaching 108 in some cycles. The synchronisation of nanoactuation and memristive switching in these devices is compatible with large-scale fabrication and has potential for precise and electrically monitored actuation technology. A range of experiments was conducted to characterise the effect topographically and electrically as will be explained in the talk.

This talk is part of the Semiconductor Physics Group Seminars series.

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