University of Cambridge > > Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology occasional seminars > Science Fiction and Current Research – an Expert Discussion

Science Fiction and Current Research – an Expert Discussion

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Vanessa Blake.

Beacon Salon #12

Science fiction writers speculate about the future, and to do so plausibly they relate their predicted futures to their insights about humanity in the present day. Among the most interesting ideas that populate the near-future in sci-fi, the implications of cybernetics, intelligent machine and vehicles, and space travel are all closely related to current scientific research. In this panel discussion, Eric Rees and Ljiljana Fruk, two of CEB ’s top experts on sci-fi, will discuss the findings of some popular authors. As a bonus feature, both speakers will present their top 5 list of essential science fiction.

This talk is part of the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology occasional seminars series.

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