University of Cambridge > > Engineering Biology Interdisciplinary Research Centre > 2018 Open Technology Workshop

2018 Open Technology Workshop

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Alexandra Ting.

This event aims to showcase and celebrate open source technologies in research and education with a morning of talks by a range of individuals from Raspberry Pi, OpenCell, and more followed by a Biomaker Fayre with demo stations in the afternoon.

The Biomaker Fayre will highlight projects by 14 teams participating in this year’s Biomaker Challenge (a four month programme challenging interdisciplinary teams to build low-cost, DIY instrumentation for biology. For more information, visit, as well as projects by community makers and industry leaders.

More information via

SPEAKERS - Richard Hayler (Raspberry Pi) - Alastair Davis (Shuttleworth Fellow) - Louise Bezeidenhoudt (School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford) - Grey Christoforo (Dept. of Physics, University of Oxford) - Julian Stirling (Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland) - Helene Steiner (CCO of Cell Free Technology, director of Open Cell)

CALL FOR EXHIBITORS ! If you have an interesting project using open technologies, created as part of the Biomaker Challenge or independently, you are invited to exhibit it at the Biomaker Fayre during the Open Technology Workshop.

Just register your project here:

This talk is part of the Engineering Biology Interdisciplinary Research Centre series.

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