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An Eye Below Zero

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Alice Edney.

“For me, wildlife cameramen don’t come much more special than Doug. He seems to be immune to most of the limitations that govern other humans. Furthermore he is totally without fear in a way that comes not from recklessness but from a deep knowledge and experience. There’s just no one else who knows these frozen worlds as he does” Sir David Attenborough.

Doug Allan is a world renowned documentary film maker and photographer, best known for his work in cold, wild, and remote places on landmark BBC wildlife documentaries such as Frozen Planet and Planet Earth 2.

How do you get up close and personal with polar bears without being eaten? Or make sure you don’t lose that important dive hole filming seals under the ice? Can you really talk to whales? What’s the key to camerawork at 7500m on Everest? Do wildlife programmes ever contribute to scientific discoveries? Doug has witnessed first hand how climate change is affecting both poles – is there still time to turn the tide? Or are the big glossy wildlife docs just adding to the problem?

The talk is free, but Doug will be selling copies of his book, Freeze Frame, at the end, for £25.

This talk is part of the CU Nature Society series.

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