University of Cambridge > > Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group (DTG) Meetings > What can pervasive computing learn from social networking?

What can pervasive computing learn from social networking?

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Andrew Rice.

Social networking has become a hugely popular Internet service and many aspects of it mirror that of pervasive computing. Twitter ( can be thought of as providing a publish/subscribe service for contextual information, users of Facebook ( update their status to indicate if they are at work or at home (or single!). We presented a position paper at W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking introducing these parallels to the social networking community.

This meeting will comprise a presentation on the feedback we got from the paper followed by a discussion/brain-storming session on what pervasive computing might learn from social networking.

As preparation please read the position ( – this should only take 5 minutes!

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group (DTG) Meetings series.

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