University of Cambridge > > Semiconductor Physics Group Seminars > Electron confinement in graphene quantum dots

Electron confinement in graphene quantum dots

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  • UserProf Peter Maksym (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester
  • ClockMonday 17 May 2010, 14:15-15:15
  • HouseMott Seminar Room.

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Graphene is different from any other semiconductor because its charge carriers are massless. They move at a constant speed c and are unable to stop. But in contrast to natural massless particles, they can experience forces. This leads to some very unusual motion which is investigated both with quantum mechanics and classical mechanics. For example, the well-known Klein paradox is that massless charge carriers approaching a one-dimensional potential barrier experience 100% transmission. This means one-dimensional confinement is impossible but in contrast, graphene charge carriers moving in two dimensions can be confined by a combination of electric and magnetic fields. The talk will be focused on quantum states and particle trajectories in this situation. After an introduction to the physics of graphene, the physics of single electron confinement in graphene dots will be detailed and the prospects for experimental studies of this system will be discussed. Possible links to other areas of physics such as overcritical nuclei and Hawking radiation will be mentioned briefly.

This talk is part of the Semiconductor Physics Group Seminars series.

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