University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Natural History Society > Portholme Meadow, Brampton: history and natural history intertwined

Portholme Meadow, Brampton: history and natural history intertwined

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr. Clarke Brunt.

Since moving to Brampton more than 25 years ago Dr. Pat Doody, a professional coastal ecologist, has taken a special interest in Portholme Meadow. He will describe its landscape setting, history and ownership. The talk will look at the traditional pattern of haymaking and aftermath grazing, based on practices possibly dating back for more than 500 years, and consider the way this and regular flooding have helped sustain a rich flora and fauna, how current climatic change threatens this interest, and what is being done to remedy the situation.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Natural History Society series.

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