University of Cambridge > > NLIP Seminar Series > The ILIAD Project: Language Technology Meets Linux Troubleshooting

The ILIAD Project: Language Technology Meets Linux Troubleshooting

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While web search engines such are remarkably successful at locating individual documents/sites typifying a given information type, they are largely unable to track data streams spanning multiple documents as found, e.g., in mailing list archives. Additionally, typical web search engines have no facility to specify the time span of documents to search over, and have only limited means of picking up on lexical variants on a given query, such that the exact wording of the query can be crucial to arriving at the desired document.

In the ILIAD (Improved Linux Information Access by Data Mining) project we aim to detect the underlying information structure of a multi-document text discourse, which we then distill into a factoid-based summary, filtering out any subjective information content in the process. Our aim is to apply our technology to Linux user web forums for improved information delivery.

This talk is part of the NLIP Seminar Series series.

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